Tuesday, March 31, 2009

77 Wins

I do love our Milwaukee Brewers. My bride bought me a 4 pack ticket package for Christmas and I'm looking forward to attending each one.

My joy for the upcoming season however is somewhat tempered by reality. Unfortunately to win in the major league, your team needs a solid, injury free, highly talented starting rotation.

We don't have that.

And as much as I want to see our Brewers succeed, it ain't gonna happen.

I love our team pride and our team ownership. But we don't have (and shouldn't spend) the amount of money required to be really competitive.

My prediction for this year? 77 wins. No playoff appearance.

Go Brewers!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Media Prediction

Here's my Media Prediction.

Within six months, David Gregory will frequently be "on assignment", allowing NBC to audition his Meet The Press successor.

These days MTP is almost unwatchable. It should only take the network another 180 days or so to figure that out.

March Madness

It's that time of year again! Spring is in the air. Our March Madness Hoops brackets are all completed.

It's the annual reminder of how stupid the NCAA college football playoff system is.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Track Changes

With all the wrangling going on in the Federal Government these days about who added or deleted legislation in the TARP legislation, I thought it was my civic duty as an I.T. professional to point out to members of Congress, that the United States has the technology to solve that problem.

It's called Track Changes.

Perhaps they should consider using it the next time they write any legislation.

I'm just saying.