Friday, August 10, 2007

Breaking News

Fox News to start delivering News!

Today I came across this article which describes how Shepard Smith will be revamping his nightly show on FOX.

Fewer (or no) teases about upcoming News. No more Hollywood fluff pieces. Could it be that Shepard Smith wants to bring some credibility to FOX News?

To be honest, I've never been a big fan, but if anyone is willing to try to cram News into a News program, I'm willing to try it out. I find it unfathomable that with the mega problems facing us these days, that the networks still find the time to show skateboarding dogs and waterskiing squirrels...

Maybe, just maybe, they're beginning to learn that just because you have video of something, doesn't make it newsworthy.

That's what YouTube is for.

So, bravo Shep. I hope you succeed.

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