Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Media's Hallmark Holiday

Tomorrow is a "Hallmark Holiday" for most of the media. It's Day 100 in the President's 4 year term - an arbitrary date in which to evaluate how well our new President is doing. One network even has a countdown clock to 100 Days.

How ridiculous is this?

Imagine that this is a football game.

It's the equivalent of evaluating your team's performance at the 4 minute, 7 second mark of the first quarter of the game.

I've watched a lot of football in my time and not once has any network paused at the 4 minute mark to give each team a report card.


Because it's stupid and provides no insight whatsoever in how the balance of the game will play out. Perhaps the time for reflection is best left until after the game is over. Only then will be have the proper perspective for analysis.

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