Thursday, September 06, 2007

Coaching All Aspects of the Game

Ryan Braun, the Milwaukee Brewers talented rookie 3rd baseman, hit a home run last night, in the 12-2 Brewers drubbing of the Houston Astros.

And the Brewer's Manager, Ned Yost wasn't too happy about it.

Certainly he was pleased with the 3 run homerun, but what didn't impress him was Braun's "swagger" just after he hit it.

Normally, after a hit, Braun takes off for first base, head down - all business. But last night something else happened. In a very uncharacteristic move, Braun walked towards first base, showing very little respect for the opposing team and calling more attention to himself than was necessary.

And Ned Yost let him know it as soon as he returned to the dugout.

Ryan Braun is a very talented player, but he's a rookie. Ned Yost wants to groom a great player and wants to build a winning team, which means that egos aren't allowed. He appreciates that Milwaukee is a midwestern city, where people work hard and appreciate the work ethic of others - a place where we're all a little uncomfortable with big egos.

And so Ned did the right thing and brought him down a peg or two.

Let's hope that twenty years from now, as they're putting Braun's name and number up on the wall at Miller Park, he remembers the lesson of Sept 5th, 2007 that taught him the difference between being a good player and a great one.

And that he credits Ned Yost for teaching him all aspects of the game.

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