Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thank God for O.J.

In case you've just awakened from a coma, O.J. Simpson is back in the news. Apparently, in an effort to recover sports memorabilia, he invaded a hotel room, complete with armed thugs. To his surprise, the police were called, and he, along with several accomplices, were arrested.

In an ironic twist of fate, he faces more years in prison than he did during his last brush with the law, when "someone" murdered his wife and her companion.

The media circus is back in town (well, Las Vegas). Even Marcia Clark (remember her?) has been seen lurking around the proceedings. Local news has aerial footage of Simpson and lawyer driving to the airport, where he departed for a little R&R in Florida.

And so the mindless 24 hr "news" coverage begins. I fully expect a new evening cable show to be spawned as a result. Conan, Letterman, Kimmell, Leno, Stewart are wringing their hands with glee. More comedy material!

And I say "Thank GOD for O.J."!

Finally we get a break from that boring war in Iraq, with all those people dying. No more stories about "out of control" Blackwater security consultants (aka mercenaries) killing those pesky Iraqi civilians.

No more stories about GM on the verge of a major strike (and on the verge of bankruptcy) as a result of soaring health care costs.

No more stories about our government treating our troops like crap - with their extended tours, short leave time, lack of up-armored vehicles and poor health services upon their return.

No more stories about that boring Presidential campaign, with all the talking heads berating each other instead of solving our country's problems.

We have illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border. We have a financial crisis in the mortgage markets. We have China poisoning our pets and our children. We have Iran making a nuclear bomb. We have a 50% dropout rate in our high schools. We have a vanishing middle class. We have tens of millions of people without healthcare. We still have a dysfunctional New Orleans not yet recovered from Katrina. We still have a big hole in the ground where the World Trade Center used to stand. We have massive debt. We have a government and a President with the lowest public opinion ratings in history. We have weekly examples of government leaders' scandals. We don't even have an Attorney General!

Thankfully we don't have to worry about all that.

Because now, we have O.J.!

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