Friday, October 19, 2007

Sneaky Buggers.....

This afternoon I happened to have my IM window open when I noticed a friend's IM record with a headphones icon and the name of a song listed. I thought he was trying to sell something using his IM profile.

When I IMed him, he was unaware that anything was going on. In fact, he had been listening to a song on his iTunes. But he was unaware that I knew that! He hadn't made any changes to his profile settings, the information had just appeared.

Not only that, but the artist and song was also an active link... to MSN Music, where you could purchase the song!

My friend had provided an unwitting endorsement of the music he happened to be playing. When we finally figured out what was going on, I think he felt his privacy had been invaded. Perhaps this "feature" has been around a long time. But we'd never noticed it before.

Microsoft you sneaky buggers.

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