Friday, March 21, 2008

It's White Out There.

As I write this, our local Channel 12 "Weather Center" has wall to wall coverage of snow falling in Wisconsin in March.

Not exactly an unusual event.

Now I'm certain that some small segment of their viewership are really appreciative of Channel 12 telling them that driving will be more difficut than normal, or that there may be some delays on major highways and at the airport or that we should all bundle up because of the weather.

I have a name for this segment of their viewership.


Note to Channel 12: Just scroll event closing information at the bottom of the screen and show us the expected snowfall amounts. And broadcast regular programming.

You're embarrasing yourselves.

We don't need to see the classic TV image of the junior reporter standing in a field, with a ruler, measuring the snowfall. These people went to college for this? It strikes me that meteorologists don't specilize in Weather forecasting. Their true skill is taking the maximum amount of time to tell you the least amount of information. And getting as much "face time" on local TV as possible.

There is far more important television that they could be broadcasting.

Like Regis and Kelly.

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