Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Instead of making a New Year's Resolution, this year I changed my Windows wallpaper to remind me to keep all things in perspective.

I selected perhaps one of the most famous photographs in the world - Earth Rise. It's the shot from the moon showing the Earth rising over the lunar surface.

It sends me a powerful daily message to try to keep things in perspective and to stay focused on the "big picture". It strikes me that we all live in one big ant farm. To listen to the nightly news about Iraq, local crime or perhaps a local "News Team investigation" on "Escalators - The Silent Killers!"strikes me that our priorities are all screwed up.

When you look at the tiny blue marble we call home, one might think that the environment, health care and generally looking out for one another might take precedence over Corporate profits, gun lobbyists, illegal immigration, disputes over territory, wondering about the real father of Anna Nicole's baby, or whether Sanjaya will be voted off American Idol.

I think we all need a different perspective. Perhaps one from space.

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