Thursday, February 21, 2008

Welcome to Bizarro World

This morning the NY Times ran a non-story about an unsubstantiated, implied, inappropriate relationship that John McCain may or may not have had, with a lobbiest, 8 years ago.

This isn't news, it's gossip.

And, if untrue, the NY Times need to be hauled into court and forced to pay a steep price for giving voice to an unsubstantiated rumor.

To make things worse, all the TV pundits this morning are doing their usual schtick - amplifying the non-story by repeating it endlessly and expressing their fake outrage from both sides of the aisle.

He (and WE) all deserve better. If you thought the media learned anything from their 6 year haitus during the years when we launched a war and began losing all our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, think again.

It appears they'll publish whatever generates readership.

The old adage "If it bleeds, it leads." should be amended to; "If it doesn't bleed, throw ketchup on it, imply it's bleeding and lead with it."

Must have been a slow news day.

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