Saturday, February 02, 2008

Linked Back IN!


I just checked LinkedIN and their customer service has restored my current profile and correctly deleted my obsolete account!

I am now LinkedIN once again.

About a week ago, I blogged about my experience trying to get LinkedIN to delete my old LinkedIN account. Unfortunately, my updated account was deleted instead.

I had requested the deletion using my newest account (because I had long forgotten the password to my old account and the email userid was obsolete, so I couldn't use the password retrieve feature). I'm certain that this led to the confusion.

But I'm sure that this happens all the time.

I'm grateful to have things back, but have a couple of suggestions for LinkedIN.

1. On your website, you should let customers know that you can restore accounts deleted in error. Until I found a blogger who reported that you had done this for him, I experienced a few agonizing days waiting for a response to my email.

2. Tell customers how long an account restore takes to do.

3. Once the account has been restored, please tell me! I only found out that things had been corrected because I decided to sign into LinkedIN to check!

At any rate, it's great to be connected once again.

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