Thursday, May 17, 2007

Plant a Seed. Change the World.

Thanks once again to Seth Godin's blog, I came across this video from Microsoft's Steve Clayton. He was given a cartoon (by marketer Hugh MacLeod) of a blue monster designed as a rally cry to re-engage Microsoft employees, partners and customers.

The interesting approach that I noticed is that they aren't trying to craft the message. They introduce the blue monster image (on business cards, email signatures, presentations) as an icon, provide the message "Change the World or go home!", then let the reader/viewer, internalize the message.
No employee meetings, printed brochures, website updates, letters to employees' homes. Just a cartoon. They simply planted a seed.

And now it's appearing in posters, at people's desks, in employee, vendor and customer conversations.

Here's the video.

Mission accomplished?
If you were to plant a seed to engage the employees at your workplace, what might it be?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the coverage Dave - glad to see someone othe than Hugh and I gets it :)
